Monday, August 11, 2008

Hyderabad city should be ashamed of itself.

The city of Hyderabad is inthe brink of disaster or else it would not be so much of chaos just because it rained for 48 odd hours non stop. I really feel bad at seeing our city in such chaotic state. Take the roads for instance , they all are in a disarray including the one's which were done up recently. I cannot fathom as to who is to blame for a pothole in the newly constructed Punjugutta flyover. Why are our roads to be tarred and retarred every 6 months? One can definetly understand the repair works but this is a complete mess of our city roads. And what about waterlogging - the less spoken about it better. Why don't we have good drainage mechanism or a method which identlifies all the key low lying areas or attempt dividing the city into various zones based on the capacity to manage water and then device the strategy to ensure smooth flow of water.We also need to have the civic authorities or whoever incharge to be more proactive and just not blame the nature for all that happens and give the poor public unecessary hassle. Theere needs to be better ability exhibited from the Hyderabad civic authorities to map the areas for open drainage, manholes etc. so that poor residents are left trapped or killed. Better route management is a necessity as it will help divert the flow of traffic through areas which are commutable and means and efforts need to be put in having such a system in place.
If you talk about the incumbent goverment being pro poor then all that one sees in news is massive floods across rural Andhra Pradesh and people fleeing flood affected areas, dams/resoervirs breaching etc.
Who is accountable for all these? Well I do not know and only action is welcome; no more speeches and press quotes from the officials on this please....

URL for All Beijing Olympics updates

It shows the etails of each and every athelet participating in the games, schedule of events, biography of the athelets, backrground ont he atheletics events, the details of records (olympic, world record or any other relevant records), the latest team standings by total number of medals won or by individual medals etc.

It is pretty good. check out..