Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Increasing rate of suicides: My Comments

God created this world in a certain way, for people to coexist with the nature and its natural surroundings. Since mankind has evolved, we see this great surge in development – which has of course its good and bad role to play. One of the bad outcomes of this relentless pursuit of growth has been the various kinds/types of pressures that people/mankind face today and these seem to be on an ever increasing pace or spurt. This is of course bad news. One of the key bad outcomes is people resorting to suicides as an escape mechanism to their day to day pressures.

Suicide is a phenomenon which requires urgent attention. The number of people resorting to suicides earlier were seeing a gradual increase but was still under a permissible control level. But of late the spurt of people resorting to suicides has increased many folds at a very short period of time. This event has lead to a lot of negative connotations and the aftereffects have been very bad not only to the present generations but the future generations.

Suicide is considered as a cowardice way of confronting a situation, but is it really cowardice? Harming oneself may sound as an easy alternative but it is not all that easy to harm yourself. The pain through which a person goes because of which he/she decides to take this step needs to be understood. People resort to suicidal tendencies when they start feeling “the point of no return”. Now, this sets a very dangerous precedence to a host of events leading to a person resorting to the extreme step of suicide. Does the person think the aftereffects of this drastic step? Is it good? No, never. Suicide almost always has a bad impact to its surroundings.
Let us assume a normal human being resorting to suicide because he/she could not qualify an exam which would have been so crucial for his/her life. But, what better happened by the person resorting to a decision to end the life before it was supposed to end? Would anyone gain by this person taking the extreme step of suicide? The answer would be – Nothing. Infact it has got far reaching aftereffects like being proclaimed as outcast by the society. The family would have to face humiliation – where the other individuals in the family could be proclaimed or forecast to have suicidal tendencies. The person should instead be more motivated and dedicated towards achieving the given objective – to pass the exam and that too very comfortably and come out as a very successful individual. Thus being an example of positive synergy to the society or to the people of immediate influence around. This should be the way out rather than suicide.

Why do people commit suicide? - People resort to suicidal scenarios due to various typical/sometime very personal reasons (listed below) –
Why is it that suicide seems to be the best answer? True reason is the inability to face defeat. Defeat in any way can lead to depression. People are depressed and can't find the motivation to go great distances. Some people want revenge on society, group or person, and want to use their suicide as a means of achieving this. These are those souls who could not achieve the goals for which they set out for and find it difficult to face/communicate (defeat) to the society. They are not prepared to accept defeat and as they are (were) so convinced of being victorious. Life is something which is so unique in many ways of its own. Life can be so unpredictable, sometimes being very lucky/good for people and sometimes just a horror. The most common reason for people resorting to suicides are for people, who are disgusted with life and want a way out that isn't too agonizing, likely to fail or chaotic. People are so used to the fast paced life and have no mercy for a languishing soul. This leads to a lot of chaos and uncertainty and just people feel there is no need/purpose for what they are living and lose interest, giving in to suicide. People also sometimes for strange reasons want to die for any motive and are afraid of being discovered, seen as a coward, or judged as evil by those one loves. Those who is sick and dying anyway and want an easy way out that doesn't involve a lot of mobility. People also resort to suicide as they sometime want to go out in a rage of glory, making a strong statement against all one's enemies. There are also types of people to get/grab media attention or attain cult figure status resort to suicide as a step. Thus challenging the boundaries of human thought process.
All these people sampled above are those who are not willing (ready) to face the hard facts about the day to day difficulties of life. Human Beings need to take things one at a time and be positive about their personal life and surroundings. This is one of the easy ways to cope suicidal tendencies. It is easier said than done but believe it or not it happens. One needs to take things as it comes (one needs to take things in its stride) and be brave to face the end result; come what may.


Suicide is an act of weakness and a human being at least deserve to die a normal death unless an unnatural death is not an act of his/her own doing. Suicide would/should never be promoted in a society and needs to be dealt with firmly. People should be highlighted the aftereffects of a suicide and coached to get out of such mentality.

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