I would say that for a person like who is fond of writing and sharing his views and considers reading/writing as something close to his heart similar to being a hobby or passion, my poor effort at not reading into any new book as a very lazy effort. Recently i have come across some good reviews on a book " Seeing Red" written by one of the best Football referees that the English have ever produced Mr. Graham Poll and I want to read it. Graham Poll being the controversial soul that he is gives a lot of insights into the tunnel and other back room knowledge that he personally came across int he various high profile club/country matches that he officiated. One incident that iparticularly want to get a first hand knowledge about is the famous tunnel run in @highbury between Roy Keane of Manchester Untied and Patrick Viera of Arsenal.
I will be soon laying my hands to this book Seeing Red and if I have come across something interesting will defintley share the same.
Enjoy and have a good weekend.
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