If we are not passionate about football, India will never succeed in it. It is a shame that when yesterday, one of the great's of world football Oliver Kahn was in Kolkatta, India and playing his last professional match, we did not run enough stories or news on the same. It was even more surprising that none of the news channels had a live update on the match. I was really struggling to even find some relevant news snippets on Bayern unich's trip to India. it is arguably the best football club to have ever toured India and to treat sucha historic event to the backbenches of the news items is an apparent shame on us. Instead we all had the Deccan Chargers V's Chennai SUper King cricket match hogging the headlines. I am not saying that we abandon cricket but if we desire to have other sports streams succeding in India then we need to give adequate attention and be concerned. Only pouring money and getting advertisement will not ensure that football is a hit, it needs to be understood, followed passionatly and nurtured. It will be truly great if we had more visiting teams from some of the famous European football clubs to india and may just inspire the young generation to take this wonderfull sport in a big way.
I am really saddened that we let go such a wonderfull moment in our footballing history.
I am really saddened that we let go such a wonderfull moment in our footballing history.
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